Sustainability Policy
This document formalizes our commitment to sustainability at ADMO, Inc. We recognize the importance of a view towards the future as we consider our policies and procedures. We are committed to considering the environment, the health of our team, and other risk mitigation actions as we take on the daily tasks of producing quality parts for our customers.
The aim of our Sustainability Policy is to:
Implement and maintain environmental actions and policies within the company
Care for the well-being of all of our employees
Manage risks in such a way as to allow us to remain healthy, safe, and profitable for generations to come
This policy and associated procedures apply to all management, employees, and contractors working for ADMO, Inc.
Environmental Policy
ADMO, Inc. respects our natural environment and local ecosystems. We acknowledge that any intrusion into those systems could lead to adverse effects for our community and for future generations. We are committed to mitigating any effects of our work on the environment around us and are taking steps to preempt any degradation of those natural systems.
In light of this awareness, we commit to:
Reduce the use of paper in all work systems where it is reasonably effective to do so. We encourage the use of technology to allow for the elimination of paper systems wherever possible. We are already doing so in the following ways:
Reduction of paper through usage of the ERP system for MRO work orders and Quality Assurance Work Orders
Elimination of paper for training through the implementation of online training and record keeping for safety and other trainings
Elimination of paper for submittal of required paperwork such as Worker’s Compensation Reports and Employee Vacation Requests
Reduction of paper usage by the implementation of electronic HR and Master Files for employee and customer records
Additional technology in place to remove the need to print emails or customer documents for review and entry
Where possible, reuse items until must be discarded due to full degradation
Reduce the consumption of natural resources in daily operations, including water and energy. We are already doing so in the following ways:
Immediate attention to any systems leaking water
Mandated closure of all doors to retain energy efficiency
Replacement of all standard light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs
Motion sensing lights in the warehouse to allow for use of lights only when needed
Temperature regulation in both buildings to ensure efficient use of energy
Recycle - ADMO, Inc. has a full recycling program including:
Recycle bins in all offices for any items that are eligible
Recycle bins in lunchroom for the division of waste for disposal and recycling
Recycling of Aerosol Cans and Propane Tanks for torches
Recycling of all cardboard
Recycling of all plastic purge
Recycling of Cigarette Waste with TerraCycle
Comply – ADMO, Inc. complies with all relevant state and local environmental policies and regulations
Appropriately dispose of waste, including electronic waste, with qualified and environmentally conscious vendors
Communicate to and continually remind our team of the benefits and requirements of reducing pollution and constantly improving our efforts to protect the environment
Review this policy annually and the performance of our team in maintaining these standards
Social Policy
ADMO, Inc. acknowledges the need to care for the social well-being of our employees. We take a holistic approach to safety that includes the health and wellness of our team members. We believe that is not only important to set rules, but to also be supportive of the people charged with enforcing and complying with those rules. We are aware that the level of social wellness for our employees has an impact on the daily functions, operations, and bottom-line of ADMO, Inc.
In light of this awareness, we commit to:
Treat all employees with respect
Expect that all employees are treating their co-workers with respect
Educate our team regarding safety standards, regulations, and harassment laws as required by local, state, and federal officials
Enforce safety standards, regulations, and harassment laws in order to keep everyone healthy and safe
Make no distinction between workers based on status, race, sex, or other identity related characteristics
Consider the whole person when determining company policies and procedures
Maintain access to an Employee Assistance Program that allows for individuals to reach out for help for many life categories through an anonymous portal
Maintain information in our intranet site for access to help for employees for a variety of needs
Governance Policy
ADMO, Inc. acknowledges the need for appropriate risk management at all levels of the business, but especially at the highest levels of management. A view to the future is imperative to the continued success of ADMO, Inc. and our ability to continue to provide quality products to our customers and a healthy environment to our employees.
In light of this awareness, we commit to:
Embrace the ADMO Mission Statement at all levels, but especially at the highest levels of management
Mission Statement: ADMO is committed to being a valued resource for quality plastic products, personalized service, and innovative ideas. To accomplish this we will:
Develop and maintain strong customer/supplier relationships
Continually pursue improvement through training and technology advancements
Create a supportive and secure environment for our employees
Promote teamwork through communication, involvement, and empowerment
Establish pride, unity of purpose and personal satisfaction throughout the organization
Increase profitability by utilizing resources to the best advantage
Embrace the ADMO Quality Policy at all levels of the organization
Quality Policy – ADMO is a plastics business dedicated to continually providing the best for our suppliers, our customers, our industry, and ourselves
Embrace the Values encompassed in both our Mission Statement and Quality Policy
Strong Relationships
Improvement (Growth)
Healthy Environment
Unity of Purpose
Regularly review areas of risk and take decisive and immediate action where it is possible
Develop and maintain a diverse customer base to prevent a crisis should any one or two divisions of the economy suffer significantly at any times
Plan for succession, even when unexpected, through thorough documentation of training plans and cross-training of employees to leave no vulnerabilities for our customers in the event of an employee leaving the company.
Responsibility and Review
The Inventory Control and Safety Manager will be responsible for the day-to-day review of these policies. Additionally, any issues will be reviewed by the Safety and Sustainability Committee in their monthly meeting.
These policies are the responsibility of the management of ADMO, Inc. and will be reviewed as part of our annual ISO review process each year.